Linkedin Invitations, They are Back!
Linkedin Invitations for Company Pages are back, read more on how they are being implemented and the limitations in this specific release.
The X Concept is a full service marketing agency established in San Diego, CA in 2001. We provide Website development, SEO, SEM, Social Media Marketing and Email Marketing.
Linkedin Invitations for Company Pages are back, read more on how they are being implemented and the limitations in this specific release.
Interested to grow your following until you send Linkedin Invites to convert it to your company page? We have what you need.
New feature allows you to send invites to your Linkedin Company page. Read on how this is a game changer for smaller businesses.
B2B Social Media is key for businesses, and even though social media in mostly targeted towards B2C relations, B2B communications has it's leader, Linkedin.