Our Linkedin Invites post that was published last week got quite a bit of attention, and I wanted to give you some insights about the results 5 days after sending the invites.
Linkedin Invites Analytics
As I was mentioning in the previous post. We started this journey with 5554 Linkedin Connections and 14 Company page followers for The X Concept. This was on June 13th 2019.
We are now, five days later at 5588 connections (0.6% growth) on my personal profile and at 1220 followers (8714% growth) on The X Concept company page. Yes, I understand, we were starting from a very low benchmark on the company page, but the results are there nonetheless.
According to the fact that I sent invites to all my contacts (or at least I think so, as I clicked way too much for my brain to register it all). That means that we got 1220 follow engagements out of 5554 contacts, which makes it a 21.9% Engagement rate so far.
Availability for Linkedin profiles
Thanks to comments and discussions. I have found that this feature was NOT available to everyone YET. I also found out it didn’t have anything to do with the number of connections you had, to your geographical location, if you have Linkedin Premium or not. At the end of the day, at the moment, some profiles have it and some profiles do not.
Believe me, it’s tough to gather. It’s a beta program, it’s rolled out to some profiles and not to other. I’m on the good side of the fence on this one, and I’m totally fine with it… But I would not want to have such a powerful feature available to others and not to me.
Instead of babbling like the last little paragraph, I would rather tell you: No Idea! I tried to analyze why some would have it, and some wouldn’t. Asked people who didn’t have the feature to try and get logic out of the whole thing… And nope, no logic there. So keep waiting, it will open up to you soon enough I hope.
Engagement and Linkedin Invites
Linkedin Invitations are like emails, text messages or other means of communications. Some people are “on it” and some people let some “marinate” a little bit. I am putting myself in the first category, I cannot stand seeing that little red notification badge on my iPhone or my Macbook. It needs to be gone… Now I saw some clients with OVER 10.000 unread emails, how easy is it to delete an email that you don’t want to see when you receive it, unsubscribe from a newsletter.
Same for Linkedin Invites. Some of you will answer those right away, and some others will let them rot in their Network section for a while. Behind it all, there might be the invite to like the company page. Buried at the bottom of profile invites.
Not everyone checks their Linkedin invites every day either. So some will find them a few days later this is why you have some “bursts”. Also people do not check their Linkedin during the weekend. It’s a work thing after all.
Demographic Profiles
Here we go, Here are the statistics of growth to look into for the past month. I have no shame of looking at that flat line, until I got the tools provided to me. Showing most accepted invitees over the first couple days, with a large decrease during the weekend.
This is pretty representative of my Linkedin Connections. I am usually linking with Owners and C Level and Senior Executives. Which makes 65% of the answers in the first 5 days.
Being located in San Diego, CA – The X Concept prides itself of reaching out to local businesses. Which shows in the geographical spread.
Linkedin also provides you with the function of the followers, and with the market we are looking for Business Development people are our primary points of contact, therefore the large gap between that function and the others.
Helping with growth
Help yourself with the growth, get your employees to boost their personal linkedin profiles, get yours to a level of connections that can benefit your company. Reaching out to potential profiles to connect with them on Linkedin is something that is not invasive. Now don’t hit them up right away and try to sell them your services. Imagine moving next to a new neighbor, and the next day waiting for food at his dinner table… Take it easy. We have that Linkedin program, tool that we use and will provide you with exceptional results. So if you are interested to grow your following until you convert it to your company page, let us know.
July 7, 2019 at 3:30 am
I had the function too and it served me well as well. I think half the people I invited followed me there (it grew form 26 followers to 401). But since today I cannot find the option anymore. I am curious if you still can invite?
Charles Oreve
July 8, 2019 at 6:01 pm
Dear Maarten, Yes, this function was very helpful indeed. Congrats on the growth of your Linkedin page. For me it has been a while since the function doesn’t work for me anymore (June 26th). I haven’t been able to invite since. Now, my following went from 14 to 1743. Will post updates if the function comes back to me.
Charles Oreve
Charles Oreve
November 6, 2019 at 3:37 pm
Hi Maarten, I was able to invite again today.
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