B2B Social Media – Growing your Linkedin Following

August 8, 2018

B2B Social Media is key for businesses, and even though social media networks are mostly targeted towards B2C relations, B2B communications has it’s leader, Linkedin.

We are going to talk about it, and see how you can grow your Linkedin Following in an effective and targeted way. Targeting being the key in this strategy. You see a lot of people reaching out to a wide array of professionals.

First step is to figure out who are the demographics you are trying to reach, what industry, what title (at which level of the corporate ladder), what location? The title can be key as it will assist you with figuring out where in the decision making process that person stands.

You have a product or a service that is helpful to a business, reaching the decision maker is not always the simplest decision. For larger projects, reaching the C-Level executives is not easy. There are techniques for that.

One of our consulting services is to help you with your Linkedin following. One of our clients in the “sustainable housing” industry followed our recommendations. He took his following – 400 Followers for B2B Social Media in May 2018 to almost 7000 three months later… All his contacts being targeted towards decision makers in his industry.

His worldwide reach and time spent performing those tasks are definitely paying off. Now let’s look at a few factors.

Quality of your profile

Your profile has to be optimized, and we have copywriters and specialists that can help with this. More than representing your business, you are using yourself and your experience as a branding tool. You are not selling as your employer, but as yourself.

Degrees of Separation

You have different degrees of separation on Linkedin. If you are just starting, therefore inviting your address book or your connections. Then looking to see if within your searches there are connections of these 1st degrees contact that can be interested by your services. If so, invite them in priority. Those profiles are more likely to accept you as they see you have common connections. It’s a feeling of safety, “He knows that person, so he has to be fine”. Not an exact science, but it reassures people, compared to a complete business stranger.

How to be effective doing it

This is the key, you have to expand your network effectively without spending unruly amounts of time doing it. We have tested a lot of tools that assist you with follower growth. We are willing to share those tools with you during on boarding meetings and start you on our program immediately. As a result, you will start growing your following immediately. Our team can either setup in person meetings, or virtual meetings through Webex.

B2B Social Media to expand your reach

First of all, you won’t see us offering those free webinars or ask you to watch a video and tell us our secrets. There is already plenty of this on the internet. Instead we are helping you with your B2B Social Media on a personal level. You will finally be able to use this extended network to broadcast content marketing and reach a much larger audience. Contact us to setup a meeting.

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