100th post on this blog!

February 12, 2020

This is our 100th Post. It has been our pleasure to create content that you “hopefully” find interesting and related to your business activity. Content Marketing is not about us, it is about you. Through this blog, news section, we are looking to bring light to your business ventures.

First of all, we are able to inspire you to develop your business using multiple channels. From the use of technology through automatizing processes, and optimizing the systems you are using. That way you are getting better results while maximizing the use of your time.

Best Performing Blog Posts

Let’s take a look back at the pas couple years and look at the three best performing blog posts.

  • Linkedin Company Invites – We do Social Media Marketing, and did a focus article about Linkedin Company Invitations, which allowed The X Concept to grow it’s followers to 2790 at the time this article is written (from 14 before using this feature)
  • Webflow VS WordPress – We do audits for all our prospective clients, and when we find they are using a CMS – we write an article about it and compare it to wordpress. In this case, Webflow is the one that we found that generated the most visit to our comparison article.
  • Johnny Perez Team’s Case Study –  Also a well performing article, that displayed how Showcase IDX is helping realtors with their websites SEO and rankings amongst other things.

Looking at those trends we see that your interest is technology related. How certain tools and techniques can empower you to better your business.

What’s after the 100th post

For the 100th post we would recommend you to reach out to us to assist you with your marketing endeavors. We work with companies of all sizes. We work with companies around the world. Get an audit and an action plan from us and let’s look at how we can assist you.

We will keep writing articles on a regular basis, we constantly have new clients that will deserve a good case study. Every client’s needs is unique, and the way we manage each case is tailored to the client’s needs. So first of all describing the action plan and the results to you will show you proof of concept. In conclusion, we will be able to help you, and your starting and your goals will define the upcoming action plan.

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    San Diego, CA 92037