WordPress Hacking – It happens…

June 15, 2019 0

WordPress is the number one CMS in the world, when it comes to portfolio site as well as to E-Commerce sites. So What to keep in mind is some hackers will be around and will send their bots to rain on your parade. WordPress Hacking happens!

We gained a lot of clients after their wordpress website got hacked and they didn’t know what to do. So they called us, or messaged us regarding their situation, that their website was down, and their current web developer either didn’t know what to do or caused it.

Choosing your host wisely to prevent wordpress hacking

Choosing where you host your website is key when you are setting up everything to make your online activity successful. We have had some experiences with several hosts, even some bigger names, that had some security flaws. This is why we recommend certain hosting companies, depending on your budget. We were using a major hosting company for many years, and their performance (speed) became less than acceptable, so we changed provider and got a lot of our clients to switch to another provider. Much faster speeds, better service, and they pay even cheaper. Meaning they got the most bang for their buck, we switched over a dozen of the past few months.

How your wordpress website is setup

Almost anyone can setup a wordpress website, now not everyone can do it right. Make sure the person who sets up your wordpress install knows what they are doing. We have been working with wordpress since 2005. And until now, knock on wood, none of the websites WE have setup got major hack issues. Other websites we took over for clients, and upgraded their interface, functionalities on an existing installation have had issues. We fixed them, and everything has been running smooth since. Never assume anything.

Plugins, Themes and more

Updated themes, plugins and core files are the most important part on getting your website safe and dialed in. We wrote a dedicated article about this, you can find it here. We make sure we train our clients’ staff members to update their websites regularly, we can also do it on “non captive” maintenance contracts.

Having a firewall on your website helps with WordPress hacking

Having a firewall on your website will prevent some of the wordpress hacking, not all, we use a specific firewall that shows you how bots are trying to hack your website. A firewall that gives you informations if files are tried to be tempered with. Our website provider also uses Sitelock, which gives you an extra layer of security.

Performing regular backups

We always install a backup utility that will create backups of your website on an external destination (we recommend Google Drive, as it’s easy and free). So every day, your website, content, database will be backed up on a cloud server. So in the case something happens, you can recover most of everything in a few hours.

If you experience wordpress issues, please feel free to contact us, we will audit your system and see how we can improve your processes.

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