I first met Pierre Noireaux the owner of North Shore Design when I was living on Maui around fifteen years ago. We then created his first website ever. Four years ago, we designed another version of his website, and in February 2020 we designed the new version of North Shore Design.
We will skip through the first custom coded website that we designed over fifteen years ago, and we will focus on the two versions since then.
First of all, let’s look at the 2016 version of their website. This is when we converted from custom coded to a WordPress CMS system. This was a good start to start displaying their current projects, and start generating a lead stream.
We also introduced North Shore Design to the world of Content Marketing as well as B2C Social Media.
2016 Version of North Shore Design
The Home Page did not do as much justice to their logo following four years of theme update, it featured a beautiful photo but the text became hard to read and the headings were not bringing much when it comes to the SEO.
The About Us visual seems like it was “floating” in the middle of the page on a 13″ MacBook Pro. This was working just fine four years ago, but looked outdated.
Once again, even though the testimonials were displayed over another beautiful photo, the CSS was not doing justice to the title of the section.
The content marketing features were displayed in a way that is not taking all the space of the interface and was giving a “floating” impression as well.
When it came to the display of individual blog posts, the gallery was however providing a good looking visual and the sidebar was providing necessary features.
2020 Version of North Shore Design Performance
Now let’s about about the new version of North Shore Design, this website is based on the same WordPress CMS using a different theme. We are therefore using the same original content, and building on it. We are also utilizing the SEO it has started to created over the years. The installation of a new theme and plugins were necessary.
We are also adding upgrading a lot of the files to bring everything up to compliance. The goal here is to maximize the efficiency when it comes to security and performance.
Here is a screenshot of the Website Grader for the new version. The Performance score of 24/30 is due to the use of a Shared Hosting platform. Which is totally fine and gets the website to display quickly. Now it could be even faster and much more expensive every month. So in this case we decided to go for the best of both worlds.
The two grades above are Google Pagespeed Score and Yahoo Yslow Score. Google represents over 92% of the search engine requests, while Yahoo represents 1.6%. You can now understand why we focused primarily on the Google score.
New Version of North Shore Design Interface
The Interface is also photo based, but include social media links on the top and calls to action on the first screen.
The About Section is filling the screen in a more harmonized way.
We also created a “Services” section on the home page describing all the services provided.
The Testimonials are also filling in the space more than the previous website, screenshot above is cropped.
The news section is filling is providing additional calls to action.
The individual posts page galleries are more visual than the previous version. This provides a very visual experience to leads and clients.
Tools and Features
We introduced Pierre Noireaux and North Shore Design to Linkedin. B2B Social Marketing is now a key part of North Shore Design. Through the new automation publishing tools to social media, all the content marketing posts are now automatically published on Facebook and Linkedin. We were also able to also help Pierre Noireaux and North Shore Design their audience through curated searches. Looking for the industry, position and geographical location of potential leads.