How do I get more visitors to my website? This is a question that every single person who has a website has asked himself (or herself) at least once. But let’s be true to ourselves, if you ask yourself that question every day, week, month or so, you need to read below.
Sources of Traffic
First of all we are going to figure out what your main sources of traffic are, you might have the best website in the world. But if no one ever sees it, what is the point? Here are the main sources of traffic you can look for.
- Direct Traffic
- Organic Search (SEO)
- Paid Search (SEM)
- Social Media
- Paid Social
- Referrals
- Reputation Marketing
How do I get more visitors to my website using Direct Traffic?
This is when people type in the URL of your website directly in their browser. They can have heard it from someone. Heard it from you. See it on a magazine… At the end of the day, they are typing it and this it what matters.
How do I get more visitors to my website using Organic Search (SEO)?
This is what people bash you about all day and every day, your website has to be SEO optimized, your content marketing has to be SEO compliant… Yes, it is true, Google has an algorithm that will look for different things on your website and will rank it appropriately. We heavily recommend to have everything SEO optimized on your website. Will it bring results? YES. Will those results be immediate? Sorry to say, but that would be a NO. It takes time, so don’t sit around and wait for the SEO to really kick in… It will but keep busy in the meantime.
How do I get more visitors to my website using Paid Search (SEM)?
Almost has heard of Google AdWords, this is what we are talking about. So to simplify the process, people use keywords in their google searches, and you can target those keywords while specifying parameters like geolocation and more. You will be “bidding” on those keywords. Some will definitely be more expensive than others, and you will need to determine your CPC (Cost per click) and COA (Cost of Acquisition) regarding the raw margin you are making on each transaction. If you have a high profit margin on your transaction, you can allow yourself to spend more on some high conversion keywords.
How do I get more visitors using Social Media?
This is what you spend your day on looking at what other people have to say about their life, their business and puppy videos… Anyway, social media networks are a great network to reach your immediate network, and if what you post is engaging enough, this first degree network will engage (like or comment) on it or even share it. This will allow you to reach a second degree network, then a third… this is what is called “going viral”. You can go viral at a small scale or in case of very broad and mainstream content (inspiring stories…) you can be seen by millions of people. You can either look at B2C Networks like Facebook and Instagram. Or B2B Networks like Linkedin depending on your activity.
How do I get more visitors using Paid Social?
You won’t be retweeted by Kim Kardashian right away, or maybe never… but you want to reach more people, and you want to reach more people than your immediate network… You can then purchase some advertising space on different social networks or “boost” your posts. The idea behind this, is that you have the power of Big Data behind it. The social networks know mostly everything about you, what you like, what you engage on, what you are interested in but are ashamed to like… and your demographic and geolocalised info. Scary isn’t it. As an advertiser it allows you to target your audience very precisely. Therefore you are only showing your offer and your website to people that can be interested by it. This means being more efficient and controlling your budget.
How do I get more visitors to my website using Email?
Email marketing is key. You already have a database of leads and former clients, let’s use them regularly. Determining the frequency and type of content you are going to send them is what matters, too often and you will get on their nerves. Not often enough, and they will forget about you. Click on the link at the beginning of this paragraph, and you will learn more. Now if you want to read about our experience, follow what Clutch wrote about us.
How do I get more visitors to my website using Referrals?
This is not your friends or clients recommending you, but other websites or blogs posting your link on theirs and you benefitting of referral traffic from them. One of our clients, Bennavita recently got featured in a somewhat famous fashion blog. What happened is 700% more visitors during the 48 hours after the article got published. Is it negligible, definitely not. On top of that Google likes link backs and when they are from trusted and high traffic sources it will boost your SEO as well.
How do I get more visitors to my website using reputation marketing?
Websites like Yelp, or other reputation based websites can gather a lot of traffic. One of our restaurant clients, Ambrogio15 is getting quite a bit of traffic from Yelp and Tripadvisor. Why? Because their reviews are really good (food is delicious), so they rank high on those websites. They are actually ranked #1 out of 4441 restaurants in San Diego on trip advisor at the time I’m writing this article.
Yes, now that you read all that and you land at the bottom of this article… it’s a lot to handle. And this is what we are here for. Contact us, let’s make it happen!