Drupal vs WordPress

March 15, 2018

I sure hope that you have been enjoying the articles I’ve been writing about different Content Management Systems. Drupal is on the opposite side of the spectrum from the previous CMS we studied. Until now we looked at systems that were hard to scale, and very easy to start and use.

Ease of Use: WordPress

WordPress is the most popular CMS platform at this time. It has thousands of Plugins and Themes available, so you can customize it quite easily. Drupal also has quite a large repository of add-ons to customize itself, but the learning curve is definitely steeper. Now when you are trying to find assistance to maintain your website, it will be much easier to find someone who is familiar with WordPress. This is something to keep in mind.

Scalability: Drupal

Drupal can handle thousands of pages and thousands of users. WordPress can do it as well but will be a little more demanding when it comes to resources and can feel slower if you have a very large amount of content. When you look at some of the famous “switches” lately, in 2017 the White House website switched to WordPress. So even though this round goes to Drupal, there are examples showing that some trust goes to WordPress.

SEO: WordPress

Drupal is a platform that was built for SEO, so it started off the grid with a big advantage when it comes to SEO. Now a lot of developers added some SEO plugins to the WordPress repository, some better than others. With all those efforts through the years, WordPress is now above Drupal when it comes to SEO, as its ease of use makes it easier than ever for constant SEO performance from people managing websites.

Mobile Friendly: WordPress

Many of Drupal’s mobile themes run better off a subdomain, which creates two separate URLs to index in search engines i.e. www.yourdomain.com and www.m.yourdomain.com. WordPress doesn’t have this issue as most of its themes are mobile responsive.

Flexibility: Both

Both Platforms are self hosted and you have complete data ownership of your website. So there is a tie there. Data Ownership is key as mentioned in previous article. In case you ever want to change service provider.

Conclusion: WordPress

As web developers, we see both platforms as very effective and adaptable to all kinds of businesses, now it’s not about us, but all about YOU. You need to be able to maintain and update your website, as well as be able to perform day to day tasks on your website easily. And for this reason, WordPress is the choice we would recommend. With 47.3% of websites using it, versus 5.3% for Drupal, it’s a clear leader in the CMS market.

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