Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda…

April 26, 2017

Here is the second opus of the “should” articles. This time we will study the decision making process. You have heard throughout the years people saying “Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda”. In educated language this saying can translate as:

It has already happened, that’s it…

  • Expressing regrets: I should have done this
  • Overthinking the past: I would have done this
  • Seeing what else you might have done: I could have done this

First of all, dwelling over something that has already happened and expressing regrets about it is never worth it. It won’t change anything, what is done is done, then you can just proactively move forward about it.

Learning from your mistakes is great, and surprisingly it is the best way to gain experience and skills. You might not be sure of what works, but at least I would rather know what does not work.

There’s things you just can’t get back

Let me explain, there are different things you can change and get back if your idea doesn’t go as planned.

  • If you lose money, you can always make more.
  • If you lose clients, friends, you can always meet new ones
  • If you lose time… You can never get it back.

Time management is your key to efficiency. Knowing what does not work and X-ing it out from the beginning of your strategic and tactical thinking process, therefore you are not wasting time.

I will develop this in an upcoming article focused on time management.

Now, it’s probably time to get back to our “Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda”…

The decision making process

Decision making, it’s not that simple. To every action, there is a reaction, and this reaction is what needs to be weighed in. Simple decision making process: Two columns “Positive and Negative” – write down the positive outcomes and the negative outcomes that come through your mind while thinking about your idea.

Finally, at the end of your thinking process you will be looking at the column with most entries, and therefore making a decision. Either do it, or don’t, but if you decide to do it then do it right away. If you decide not to do it, don’t bench the idea, just put it away and as a result don’t look back. This is especially relevant as you don’t need to live with regrets.

In conclusion you can follow us on Facebook for more articles like this one, client studies.

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